
Backed Into a Corner, NY AG Fails to Produce ‘Smoking Gun’ in #ExxonKnew Lawsuit

After it was “put up or shut up” time, the New York Attorney General’s office finally came forward with its #ExxonKnew lawsuit. To say it was a dud would be an understatement.

New York Attorney General (AG) Barbara Underwood today filed a lawsuit against ExxonMobil alleging that the company deceived investors on the potential impact that yet-to-be-enacted climate change regulations could have on the company’s value.

The lawsuit comes more than three years after disgraced former New York AG Eric Schneiderman announced his investigation of ExxonMobil, and four years since the investigation itself began. Since that time the New York AG has forced ExxonMobil to turn over millions of pages of documents as one conspiracy theory after another failed to withstand scrutiny.

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