Canadian Energy Weekly Round-Up: May 4, 2020
Here are the top news stories covering Canada’s energy landscape:
Group of First Nations Announce New Energy Corridor
A group of First Nations have begun building an energy corridor that spans from Fort McMurray, Alberta to Hudson’s Bay. The new project was recently announced by the National Coalition of Chiefs.
Canadian Energy Network states the new development will help promote collaboration between Canada’s indigenous population and the oil and natural gas industry:
“This initiative seeks to Unite Canada by continuing to spark partnerships between Indigenous peoples in Canada and responsible oil and gas development.”
Industry Responds to Activist Letter to Parliament
The Chief Executive of the Calgary-based oil exploration company Questerre Energy published an editorial recently responding to activists asking the federal government to withhold financial support for Canada’s oil and natural gas industry. In his letter, CEO Michael Binnion shares how the activists’ efforts fail to consider the value that petroleum-based products play in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic:
“The very oil that is used to make the single-use plastics that have made dramatic progress in the fight against infectious disease. The oil that makes the products that keep our food more hygienic. The oil that makes the products for personal protection gear for front line workers in hospitals. The oil that makes the single-use plastic ventilator tubes.”
Furthermore, Binnion asks that Canadians acknowledge the common-sense value that petrochemicals provide for protecting healthcare workers and the public during the current pandemic. Oil and natural gas are a vital component to a variety of protective equipment used every day by first responders and healthcare professionals. By continuing to support development in the oil and natural gas industry, Canadians can continue to support the wellbeing and safety of those combating COVID-19.
This isn’t the first time that activists have tried to use the COVID-19 crisis to attack the energy industry. Activists with led an
Former House of Commons Member: Fossil Fuels are the Frontline
Former House of Commons member Dan McTeague penned an article recently calling for Canadians to recognize the crucial role that fossil fuels have played in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While their value may not be easily recognized, fossil fuel components go into making everyday products that Canadians depend on every day, McTeague writes:
“Plastic products come from fossil fuels. While two months ago this may have been a point against them – especially according to the green movement – it quickly became clear that single use plastics are a non-negotiable necessity when it comes to modern medicine. Gloves, masks, syringes, and countless medical procedures in which they are used like CT scans and MRIs, all come from plastics. If that’s not enough, hydrocarbons are also the foundation of between 80 percent and 90 percent of pharmaceuticals. Medicine needs fossil fuels too.”
With continued efforts by environmental activists asking for the federal government to withhold support for the oil and natural gas industry, it’s important to recognize the endless list of products and services that fossil fuels enable. Now is a time to put politics aside and appreciate how the industry continues to improve Canadians’ wellbeing:
“Hydrocarbons are not the enemy. The products and services they enable demonstrate the industrious nature of humanity on its good mission of improving the quality of human life on earth.”
For more Canadian energy news and setting the record straight on the day’s top stories about the oil and natural gas industry, visit Canadian Energy Network.
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