Canadian Energy Weekly Round-Up: January 27, 2020
Here are the top news stories covering Canada’s energy landscape:
Activists Ignore Support for Pipelines
As natural gas demand grows throughout the world, Canada continues to maintain strong support for pipelines and the construction of new infrastructure. First Nations leaders along the route for the Coastal Gaslink pipeline have recently reported that their views—and support for the project—are going unacknowledged by human-rights activists. Amnesty International, British Columbia’s Human Rights Commission and the United Nations’ Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination have all called for consent from Indigenous people impacted by the project. What these groups ignore, however, is that 20 First Nations in British Columbia have approved the project. As Ellis Ross, a previously elected chief councilor for the Haisla Nation explained,
“It’s irresponsible not to review the record of consultation and accommodation on the LNG pipeline, and that means going in and reviewing the work done by elected chiefs and councils over the last six years. The aboriginal people themselves elected their leaders to represent them on these major projects. What I see right now is this campaign to de-legitimize democratically elected leaders in B.C. And it’s shameful.”
Oil and Natural Gas Help Canada, Despite Misrepresentations
In addition to the great importance oil and natural gas play in terms of heating homes in Canada, these fuels are also necessary to help achieve goals of reducing emissions. The Royal Bank of Canada Chief Executive Officer David McKay explained why fossil fuels will still be necessary for such goals,
“We have a longer-term transition as we change the energy source, we move to a greener economy, but it is a transition. You need fossil-based fuels to make that transition—they’re not going away overnight.”
The oil and natural gas industry isn’t just serving as a bridge to “green” fuels, this industry is also driving important changes that lower emissions and invest in renewable technology. For example, the Teck Frontier mine has plans to halve its emissions from the natural average and to recycle 90 percent of water used in its mining operations.
Divesting from Fossil Fuels Will Harm Canada and Won’t Reduce Emissions
The University of Victoria’s board announced that it would consider a proposal to reduce the university’s investments in carbon-emitting industries. Such an action would be misguided and would do nothing to reduce the amount of emissions. McGill University recently defended its own decision not to divest from fossil fuels as the move would be purely symbolic and would not only do nothing to reduce emissions, or fuel demand, but it would actually harm students by causing an increase in tuition.
For more Canadian energy news and setting the record straight on the day’s top stories about the oil and natural gas industry, visit Canadian Energy Network.
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