Efforts to Get Florida Municipalities on Board with Climate Litigation Fall Flat
Activists shopping around climate litigation to municipalities in Florida have struck out again, despite years of lobbying, advertising, and publishing reports projecting the costs of climate mitigation to support their efforts. The Sun Sentinel reports that Key Biscayne, Fla. has decided not to pursue climate litigation, joining the ranks of Fort Lauderdale, who we learned declined a similar proposal in June.
According to the Sentinel, Key Biscayne, a town of less than 15,000, turned down an offer to file suit after being approached by “a group from California,” due to concerns about costs for the small community. Former Mayor Mayra Lindsay told the Sentinel that:
“Ultimately, taking on such a cost was hard to justify. We had other lawsuits going on.”
Though Lindsay doesn’t identify the “group from California,” public records requests show that San Francisco-based law firm Sher Edling, LLP on filing climate litigation against energy producers. Sher Edling already represents several plaintiffs on a contingency fee basis, but none of the plaintiffs have won their case and several cases are on appeal after being dismissed by federal judges.
Read full blog post at EIDclimate.org.
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