
Emails Reveal Misrepresentations About Bloomberg Attorney General Program

Newly published emails reveal that a Special Assistant Attorney General (SAAG) in the Maryland Attorney General’s office sought direction from a Bloomberg-backed group rather than the Maryland AG. This email exchange directly contradicts claims that these SAAGs, which are being placed in state AG offices around the country by the State Energy and Environmental Impact Center (SEEIC) at NYU Law School, are loyal solely to their respective attorney general.

The emails show SAAG John “JB” Howard, who was placed in the Maryland AG’s office through the Michael Bloomberg-funded SEEIC, seeking direction from SEEIC’s director on what his focus should be if he were to move into a potential new role. Looking to change from a focus on environmental issues to an energy position, Howard asked David Hayes, the Director of the SEEIC program, if he could discuss “what the Center envisions for these positions,” as well as “how the fellow would coordinate with the Center.”

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