Natural Gas Helps Local 4-H Groups Across the Marcellus
It’s no secret agriculture in rural Pennsylvania is making a come-back as farmers are able to use increased revenue from the Marcellus Shale to improve the conditions of family farms. Local 4-H groups have always been an integral part of helping to teach kids how to care for animals and develop skills needed to maintain family farms, but it encompasses so much more.
4-H Goals
To increase a member’s knowledge in a variety of project areas, while teaching life-skills such as decision-making, public speaking, and leadership.
These goals can be accomplished through communicating in a group, working cooperatively and being responsible. Members can learn through experience, preparing, designing and evaluating their projects.
Interested parents and other adults have opportunities to grow through working with 4-H members.
Natural gas companies have stepped up throughout the Marcellus to help provide opportunities for these youth to give back to their communities and to have the funding to succeed.

Bradford County 4-H
Natural Gas Industry and Local 4-Hers Clean Up Liberty Park
Last month, Susquehanna County 4-Hers from Franklin and Liberty Townships worked alongside the natural gas industry to make improvements to a local park. WPX Energy, Stoney Mountain, Halliburton, Wyatt Construction, Orion Drilling, Fehringer, Fluids Management, Weitsman’s, and others came out to help these kids weed the grounds, plant flowers, tear down an old backstop, paint pavilions, fix picnic tables, and enhance the playground. It was great to see the kids so enthusiastic to make the park more usable for their community!

Getting Ready for Mulch

WPX Energy sands and repairs picnic tables.
To view more pictures, click here.
Franklin Citizens for Truth, Natural Gas Industry and Local 4-Hers Hold Benefit for Local Woman
The FCFT group along with several natural gas development companies in the area, sponsored a benefit for Leesha Steele. Leesha is the sister of local Heavenly Angels store owners Lisa Payne and Letha Johnson, and the sister of Leah Walters, owner of BB’s Country Café. The Franklin Hill 4-H group spent the day volunteering at the benefit. They made cotton candy, handed out hotdogs and hamburgers, sold pies, and so much more to raise money to assist with Leesha’s medical care. Leesha has been in the hospital for the last 3 months as a result of blood disease, a heart attack, and multiple surgeries.

Franklin Hill 4-H selling cotton candy.
Sponsors included: WPX Energy, Wyatt Construction, Fehlinger, Halliburton, Fluids Management, Stoney Mountain, Orion Drilling, Weitsman’s, and others.

Metal, can and bottle drive.
The event was held on Saturday June 30th from 1-4 pm at the newly renovated Liberty Park in Liberty Township. Along with a metal, can and bottle drive other money raising activities included a basket raffle, silent auction, homemade pie sale, inflatable bouncy house and inflatable slide and tunnel from Taylor Rental, snow cones, and cotton candy. The event also included free hot dogs, face painting, and live DJ music. Donations from the family, community and local businesses helped to make the benefit a very successful one.

Kelly Harding, Franklin Citizens for Truth, selling tickets for the basket raffle.
Money raised and donated totaled more than $6000, which will go to help Lesha with her many medical bills, a wheelchair ramp, and homecare when the time comes.
Further donations can be sent to:
Lesha Steele medical fund
c/o Heidi Mitchell
19604 State Route 29,
Montrose, PA 18801
To view more pictures, click here.
Natural Gas Industry Brings in Needed Revenue at 4-H County Fair Auctions
Again this year, natural gas companies have been and will continue to attend the livestock auctions at local county fairs to help raise funds for 4-H groups. Seneca Resources and Exco Resources were there at the Lycoming County Fair to purchase animals to donate back to the 4-H and to local food banks. Chesapeake Energy, Talisman Energy, and several natural gas vendors bought livestock at the Troy Fair to enhance the 4-H scholarship fund and make improvements to their facilities in Bradford County. Companies will also be attending the upcoming Harford Fair and others throughout the state.

Bradford County 4-H livestock auction.
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