Natural Gas Jobs at the Wyoming County Chamber Business Expo
If you were at the Wyoming County Fairgrounds this past Friday you might have been there for Ma Greenley’s breakfast burritos or sausage sandwich lunch, but most likely you were there for the Gas & Oil business expo. The Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce held a business expo from 10a.m. -4p.m. where many natural gas related companies set up booths and had the opportunity to meet members of the public and inform them about new available natural gas jobs.
If you attended the event you had the pleasure of meeting employees of Williams Pipelines, Citrus Energy, Cabot Gas & Oil, Chesapeake Energy and Chief Oil and Gas just to name a few. With natural gas continuing to be developed throughout Pennsylvania its no myth that many new jobs are popping up and local businesses and benefiting greatly from the economic turnaround.
Throughout the day many people came through the Energy In Depth booth and we had the opportunity to speak with members of the community about the ShaleNet training program, as well as point them in the right direction when searching for a job within the industry. For anyone who doesn’t know we have a jobs page right here on EID Marcellus. This page is a great resource for anyone looking to get started in the industry. For those not familiar with the ShaleNet training program we were able to speak with David & Eugene Andzulis who both completed the program.
Not only did the business expo bring out job seekers but it also brought out many pro natural gas members of the community. We had the opportunity to speak with Clyde LaRue a resident in the Dimock Township. Here is what LaRue had to say about natural gas production:
Even George Turner who specializes in baseline water well testing came out to Gas & Oil business expo. It seems like everyone is benefiting from natural gas production in the Pennsylvania area.
People from as far away as Allentown even came to the expo. One Allentown resident, Jerusha Lowe, came to educate herself and learn more about natural gas production. Its great to see people getting educated on the facts.
Executive Director of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce, Maureen Dispenza had nothing but great things to say about the gas industry and their involvement in the community.
After speaking with the Secretary of Kiwanis Wyoming County Fairgrounds, Pam Burke, it was also apparent that without natural gas production in the area, the county fairgrounds might not have been able to continue to operate. The message is a simple one, Burke as well as a majority of the community are happy to have the natural gas companies operating right in her backyard.
The jobs created thanks to natural gas are here to stay, as was demonstrated at this expo. It was great to see members of the community come out and support natural gas production, and we look forward to being at more business and job expos as the industry continues to expand and further support the communities they work so closely with. One such expo to watch out for in coming weeks is the Northern Tier Marcellus Business Expo to be held at Alparon Park in Troy, Pennsylvania on June 23. Last year’s event had over 300 vendors and more than 1,000 people stop through and this year’s is looking to be even bigger. We’ll be there, so stop in and visit our booth if you’re in the area!
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