
New Hearing, Old Tricks: #ExxonKnew Takes Debunked Testimony to Parliament

This Thursday, the European Parliament’s (EP) Committee on Petitions and Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will hold a joint hearing on “Climate Change Denial,” specifically focusing on ExxonMobil and the #ExxonKnew campaign. The hearing was scheduled as a result of a petition submitted to the EP by Food & Water Watch Europe, the European arm of the international non-profit Food & Water Watch, a Rockefeller-funded organization that accuses the ExxonMobil of “concealing the link between fossil fuels and global warming” for decades.

At the public hearing, the Committee members will hear testimony from a number of Europeans as well as one of the foremost #ExxonKnew activists in the United States, Geoffrey Supran. Food and Water Watch seeks to convince the EP that it should revoke ExxonMobil’s lobbying access. This makes it essential that – before they embark upon a similar futile endeavor – Europe’s lawmakers realize that the those involved in the #ExxonKnew campaign in the United States largely abandoned their original arguments in 2016 after they were thoroughly debunked.

Read the rest of this post at EIDClimate.

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