EPA: Oil and Natural Gas Methane Emissions Fall Despite Record Production

Methane emissions in the United States have continued their downward trend from 2005 levels according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2021 Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHGI). In fact, total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions continue to decline despite increased production and consumption of oil and natural gas. As the EPA explains:
“This decrease was driven largely by a decrease in emissions from fossil fuel combustion resulting from a decrease in total energy use in 2019 compared to 2018 and a continued shift from coal to natural gas and renewables in the electric power sector.”
Key Takeaways
Total CO2 equivalent (Mmt CO2Eq) of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions dropped 11.6 percent from 2005 and methane emissions are down 16.6 percent since 1990 despite record production of oil and natural gas.
Read the full post on EIDClimate.org.
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