It’s Official: New York’s Case Against ExxonMobil Is Over
Well, that’s all she wrote, folks! A month after losing what was once called “the trial of the century,” the New York Attorney General has chosen not to appeal New York Supreme Court Justice Barry R. Ostrager’s ruling that found – despite the attorney general’s “hyperbolic” allegations – ExxonMobil did not mislead investors on how it accounted for climate costs in its business operations. New York Attorney General Letitia James announced on Friday that her office wouldn’t appeal the court’s decision – a rare move that underscores the weakness of her case.
It is now finally safe to say that this officially, definitely, absolutely marks the end of the “ill-conceived“ four-plus year saga that featured three different legal theories, the review of four million internal ExxonMobil documents, hundreds of hours of witness depositions, and 12 embarrassing days of trial for the attorney general. Even in defeat, attorney general James tried to claim victory in a statement claiming her office had achieved something beyond wasting taxpayer dollars on a political witch hunt.
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