Marcellus Shale

More EPA Water Tests Show Water to be Safe

The EPA  released another round of water testing data on Dimock today and the results can’t be encouraging for litigants or anti-natural gas activists because there’s still no evidence of a significant problem with the town’s water.  Here’s the data and here’s what EPA said regarding the latest round of testing:

EPA Statement on Dimock, April 20, 2012:

EPA has completed and shared with residents and Pennsylvania state officials the third set of sampling at 16 private drinking water wells in Dimock, Pennsylvania.  This set of sampling did not show levels of contaminants that would give EPA reason to take further action.  At one well, EPA found elevated levels of arsenic and offered alternate water but the resident declined.  EPA remains committed to providing Dimock residents with the best available data and information on the quality of drinking water as expeditiously as possible.

And, here’s what Cabot had to say:

Cabot Oil & Gas Statement on Dimock, April 20, 2012

Today, the US Environmental Protection Agency released the third set of water samples compiled at private drinking water wells in Dimock, PA.  The data released today confirms the two earlier EPA findings that levels of contaminants found do not possess a threat to human health and the environment.  Again, these findings are consistent with literally thousands of pages of water quality data accumulated by state and local authorities and by Cabot Oil and Gas.  As with the other findings, EPA did not indicate that those contaminants that were detected bore any relationship to oil and gas development in the Dimock area.  Cabot continues to looks forward to working closely with federal, state and local officials in using the best and most accurate science to address public concerns.

U.S. EPA has now reiterated three times what Cabot Oil and Gas and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental have already said; Dimock’s water is safe.

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