Recruitment Failures and Recycled Material: 2023 Climate Litigation In Review
We are heading into the twelfth year of the national litigation campaign against America’s energy industry – but you wouldn’t know it from looking at it. Despite this decade of assaults from activists, the lawsuits have failed to deliver a penny of the millions of dollars in damages government officials claim to be seeking, and the cases’ claims remain meritless.
2023 was just another disappointing year for the billionaire funders and activists propping up the litigation ecosystem. At the end of the day, the trial lawyers supporting these cases are the only ones who look to be coming out on top. While California was the activists’ “big get,” its filing pales in the broader context of decade-long litigation activity in the Golden State. Even Governor Gavin Newsom said he was “ignorant” and “naive” on the issue – an indicator of how little this litigation effort is permeating into the mainstream beyond its own echo chambers. Meanwhile, the Rockefellers themselves are still invested in the same “Big Oil” they claim to be fighting – shrouding a big stamp of hypocrisy over the entire campaign.
And as we enter into an election year, the litigation campaign will serve as another lens for the contentious blue issue highlighted by COP28: villainization vs. collaboration with an industry that has an integral role in promoting sustainability and reducing emissions.
To read the 2023 highlights, visit
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