Revealed: Foreign Billionaire Behind the Group Pushing American Cities to Sue Energy Producers
Foreign agents aren’t limiting their meddling to American elections – they’re also propping up the campaign to push American cities and counties to sue energy companies. Chris Hohn, a reclusive British billionaire, is fueling efforts to sue American energy producers, according to a new article by RealClear Investigations. By means of his Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), Hohn has directed millions of dollars to the Center for Climate Integrity (CCI), the leading group campaigning to bring litigation against fossil fuel companies for the costs of climate change.
Hohn “thus illustrates the reach of politically driven philanthropy and the potential of wealthy foreigners to sidestep U.S. lobbying laws by using complex financial arrangements,” RealClear Investigations reports. Indeed, CCI has hired a lobbyist to arrange meetings between city officials and the plaintiffs’ attorneys leading these lawsuits while also pursuing an aggressive public relations campaign to promote litigation via billboards, a podcast, social media, events, and media outreach. But, CCI has never disclosed that it is primarily funded by a single foreign billionaire.
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