SCOTUS Case Puts Spotlight On Nationally Coordinated Climate Litigation Campaign
On January 19, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in BP P.L.C., et al. v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to decide whether climate lawsuits should be heard in state or federal court. While the court will rule on a key procedural question, common sense shows that climate litigation is a national campaign that’s been supported by a network of plaintiffs law firms, activist groups, and wealthy donors.
For nearly a decade, proponents of climate litigation have fought hard to have lawsuits heard in state courts, believing those venues would bolster their chances of success. Alleging that climate change impacts are specific to their state, the public officials bringing these lawsuits – and the wealthy foundations and environmental groups backing them – have argued that keeping them in state court is necessary and that they are acting in their constituents’ best interest. Evidence proves otherwise, however, exposing these lawsuits for what they are: a highly coordinated national campaign.
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